Saturday, August 24, 2024

Guns in America

The right to bear arms was an amendment crafted by the founding fathers so that the general populous should have the ability to organize against an oppressive government. They had no concept of the technological invention of mass killing machines that would take place in the future. Revolvers were not mass produced until the 1830s and rifles would not become mainstream until the invention of the faster loading Minie ball right before the Civil War.

This new technology was specifically designed for killing people, as efficiently as possible, usually in massive government wars. During the remainder of the 19th century, the maturation of such effective weapons of mass destruction would also result in the near extermination of a number of keystone animal species: grizzly bears, wolves, mountain lions, American bison, African elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers.

Following the advent of automatic weapons (machine guns) just before the turn of the 20th century, people started turning gun barrels on private citizens with increasing frequency as more guns were being sold to individuals and ultimately finding their way into the hands of criminals.

Nothing good has come from this invention and yet, this mass slaughter of both humans and animals is all legitimized behind the veil of the second amendment. The founding fathers did not intend for their constitution to be used as an excuse for selling murder weapons.

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